
Monday, June 27, 2011

19 Weeks (+3 days)

Well, today was the big day, and for us all the old wives' tales proved true - we're having a boy! We would have been happy no matter what, as long as the baby is healthy, but we were hoping to start with a boy, and are just thrilled with the news!

Also, for those who feel the need to warn us that it might still end up being a girl and that mistakes happen... there was no mistaking those boy parts during our ultrasound. Little one was not shy about showing off the goods!

I'm happy to say that this baby also has some great clothes, thanks to my good friend Jeanna. Since we were thinking it was a boy, I raided her stash of boy clothes because she is getting rid of them. We already have some adorable things, and now that I know for sure, she can count on another visit to look again (love you, Jeanna!) ;)

We got some other nice pictures during the ultrasound (including some unexpected 4D shots, which were really kind of creepy at this point because the baby doesn't really have any fat yet):

Face shot - looks like a freakin' Halloween mask! Hello, scary baby!

Either thumb sucking or punching himself in the face.

Baby's back.

Sucking his thumb. So cute... even if he does look kind of creepy.

What an amazing day... for the record, everything looked great on the ultrasound, but I do have to have another one in a week because the baby wouldn't get into a position that worked for her to see his heart well enough. Once again, he was going bananas in there - it's so hard to believe that I can't feel all of that yet, but I'm sort of worried for the moment I do... he doesn't seem to rest!

And finally, the weekly fruit update:

I love my little mango man. And now I can't stop thinking about this:

Sunday, June 19, 2011

18 weeks (+2 days)

First of all, Happy Father's Day to my husband and daddy-to-be, Adrian.

I can't believe it's already time for another post - the weeks are really picking up speed! It seems like June just started, but it will be over before we know it. I have to say, though, that I am really enjoying the warm weather and sunshine - finally the rain has been letting up a little bit!

These days my focus has been on trying to get some more regular exercise into my schedule. I've never been big on working out, but I'm trying to do some prenatal yoga (with a DVD I bought at Target) and some more regular walking. Not terribly successful with either yet, admittedly. Doing the yoga a few times has definitely demonstrated just how out of shape I've gotten! With Adrian out of town this whole week, I'll probably try to get into more of a routine with it, since I won't do it when he's home :) I'd also love to start walking the dogs more, but walking both of them by myself is nearly impossible thanks to their shenanigans, and walking one without the other is not an option due to their jealousy issues. Silly pups. I did walk in the Corporate Challenge with my mom a week and a half (or so) ago, which was a 3 mile walk. It felt good and we had perfect weather for it.

I think the baby bump is starting to be more noticeable - people who don't know me may be starting to notice that I'm pregnant! Every day that I can button my regular jeans is a serious victory anymore, and I think those days are on their way out. Hope to see you again, size four! According to the weekly update, the little one is now the size of...

...a weird looking sweet potato! Only eight days until we find out if it's a boy potato or a girl potato.

I've been feeling more movement, but only two strong jabs so far, which were amazing! I can't wait to start feeling stronger kicks and I'm sure it won't be too long - the baby was very active at our 13 week ultrasound and also the last time the doctor tried to find the heartbeat with the doppler. She said the baby wouldn't sit still. Please let this baby be calm when it finally arrives :)

That's all for now. I'm just going to try to get through this lonely week without my husband and take advantage of the time alone to get some cleaning done around the house. Maybe I'll wait to post again until we know whether we're on Team Blue or Team Pink!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh the anticipation!

I did end up pushing back the ultrasound, so now I'll have to wait until the 27th at 6pm to find out what we're having. That extra week makes it seem so far away because I am SO excited! I wasn't thrilled about moving the appointment, but it really wouldn't be the same without Adrian there with me.

Can't wait to see our baby again!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

17 Weeks (+1 day)

Another week has absolutely flown by, mostly because of a busy work schedule. I am so looking forward to a day off on Monday! I am not usually off on Mondays, but it will be nice because Adrian is off on Mondays and Fridays. We barely see each other right now because of our conflicting work schedules, but knowing that it's just for the summer and for the benefit of our little one makes it easier to handle. I'll still miss him a lot when he goes to California on Friday, but am hopeful that by playing a few shows in previously unfamiliar territory, he'll make some great new connections in the music industry. It's only for a week - I'll survive :)

In baby news, there's honestly not much to report. I've been feeling a little movement, which is very exciting! I can't wait until we can feel movement on the outside so Adrian can be a part of it, but we still have a while to wait for that. 

This week baby is as big as...

an onion... which in my mind is smaller than an avocado, so I guess they mean a very BIG onion. I will have to do a little comparison the next time I'm in the produce section!

I was so looking forward to our second ultrasound on the 20th, but now I'll probably have to push it back because Adrian will be in California that day. Calling him to tell him the sex of the baby seems pretty unexciting, so I'd rather wait so we can both marvel at that screen again, even though it kills me to delay the appointment!

Not much else going on... I (with the help of my mom) picked out fabric for new kitchen curtains and have been looking at paint colors for the walls, but I am so indecisive. The fabric has many colors to choose from though, so hopefully I'll land on something soon. I'll definitely post pictures when we're finished with this little project. Then it will be on to the nursery... just as soon as we know if it's going to be a boy or girl! Can't wait!

Friday, June 3, 2011

16 Weeks

Today marks 16 weeks along in my pregnancy. The last couple of weeks have been great because I'm getting the energy back that got totally depleted during the first trimester. I'm lucky that I only had to deal with morning sickness for a few weeks, but that energy drain was making it hard to get through work--and life in general--every day.

The baby bump is growing slowly but surely and this week baby is apparently the size of an avocado:

Only two more weeks until we find out if it's a boy or girl, and I am so excited! I have really held off on thinking about names or nursery ideas because I feel like I'll be able to think much more clearly when I know what we're having. Originally I thought I'd just go "gender neutral" in terms of decorating, but the more I looked, the more I started to feel like everything in that category felt boyish anyway.

Life is otherwise fairly uneventful right now and that's really sort of nice. Adrian just got a summer job working with my brother at the Riverstone Grill, but he'll be back to teaching at the university in the fall. And now I have even more of an excuse to go eat at Riverstone and their food is fantastic! :)

Our other news is that we're celebrating our anniversary on Monday - married for two years (together for five and a half)! I wouldn't trade our time together for anything - through the ups and downs, I love my husband so much. My life would feel incomplete without him being a part of it every day.