
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

29 weeks (+5 days)

I'll start by saying that I am SO excited about this cooler weather! It's starting to feel like fall (my favorite season) so now I can really start looking forward to my 26th birthday, Thanksgiving, and the birth of our son! I'm not going to lie - I will be bummed if being in the hospital interferes with celebrating Thanksgiving on the actual holiday, so I am just hoping little man decides to arrive on schedule. I hate it when people are late!

I am excited for Friday because being able to say that I am 30 weeks pregnant makes it seem so much closer. Each passing week makes me more anxious - I just want to hold him! Having ten weeks to go sometimes sounds like a lot, but I know that it's going to fly by - especially since there is so much to do! I'm glad now that we've held off on the nursery for so long because it gives me something to do and think about while I wait. Hopefully we'll be painting this week and then we can finally get the crib assembled and start decorating.

In other house news, we have a total kitchen overhaul scheduled to start at the beginning of October. It's pretty much going to be happening until I deliver, so that will be interesting. New ceiling (no more drop ceiling - hooray!), new cabinets, new countertops, new lighting, more work space... what more could I ask for? It will be so great to have a nice kitchen for our family to spend time in (it is pretty awful in its current form) - I will try to remember to post before and after photos when it is all done!

Maybe I will finally feel more motivated to cook things like...

squash! I have no clue what kind of squash that is, to be honest. It's just exciting to have an update in the fruit department :)

Although we seem to be100% sure about the baby's name, we have decided not to announce it until he's born. A few family members know, but we wanted there to be a little element of surprise for his debut. I LOVE the name we picked out - I think it will fit perfectly with our little family.

That's all for now!