
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

28 weeks (+4 days)

28 weeks! And quickly approaching 29! Sometimes I can't understand where the time is going, but then at other times I can't help but wish it would just go even faster because I am so anxious to meet our baby. However, I'm really trying to enjoy every moment of the pregnancy, because I know I'll miss this special private time with my son :) It is still so amazing to feel every kick and poke from inside - sometimes I just can't believe it's really happening.

The movement lately has just been incredible! Early in the day he likes to hang out and poke me in the ribs, and it can be a little uncomfortable, but he moves down later in the evening and I usually feel his kicks (and rolls and punches) in the same place every night. Adrian loves feeling him move and those are probably my favorite moments right now - when our whole little family is connected.

We love to imagine what he's going to be like. Who will he look like? Will he eventually pick up our habit to make up stupid songs about anything and everything? We're pretty sure he'll get in trouble at school for having a sassy mouth since we both do :) Sometimes I'm still just blown away by the entire concept of it all - that we created this life together and are now responsible for shaping him into a respectable human being. Still, I think we'll be great parents - I really haven't worried about that.

I was fortunate to have my first baby shower on Saturday and it was just lovely. The baby got lots of great presents! We received the bedding we registered for and my mom and I went to Home Depot to compare it to paint colors - we picked one I think will look great in the nursery and the colors we're going with are completely neutral and usable for our next baby, so that's a plus. I will post one picture of me from the day of the shower, but don't get used to it - I'm a little shocked that I'm posting ANY pictures of my pregnant self!

By the way, this mama does NOT have gestational diabetes! Went to the doctor yesterday and everything is perfect with both me and the baby!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

27 weeks (+5 days)

Oh, what's up, third trimester?

I should probably just stop commenting on how quickly the time is passing, but it is truly remarkable! It seems like just moments ago I was excited to be at 99 days (from our due date) and now we're two weeks past that milestone! I am excited to be in the third trimester and just so anxious to meet my little man.

I've been feeling more and more pregnant, that's for sure. We went to the county fair recently and I needed Adrian to help me tie my shoes because it can be so uncomfortable to bend over my ever-growing belly. I've been wearing sandals for months so I didn't realize that was going to be a problem! Add that little situation to the fact that I pretty much have to roll out of bed and I'm feeling a little... fat. I know, I know - I'm growing a human inside of me, but it has been a serious trip to watch my body transform. I was pretty thin before I got pregnant and now I'm dreading what my post-pregnancy body will look like!

I went shopping for little one last night and am so hoping he will be here in time for Thanksgiving because I bought him the cutest outfit for the holiday (and scoped out insanely cute Christmas outfits as well). I'm keeping the tags on in case we're too late for him to wear it, but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed :)

So much to do, so little time... have to get my butt into childbirth classes! Have to get the nursery finished started. Have to go to the doctor every two weeks. Unfortunately, I have my glucose testing on Friday - let's hope for no gestational diabetes! I wouldn't be too surprised to find out I do have it though with as much weight as I've gained. I honestly can't see where the weight is going (I'm not as huge as I make it seem), but it's there!

One thing I can definitely look forward to is my baby shower on Saturday - the first of two. It will be nice to spend time with family and friends to celebrate our little boy. I'm really looking forward to my shower in Ohio next month, too!

 I'm having second thoughts about the 3D/4D ultrasound since I feel like my money could be better spent on necessities for the babe. We've also been blessed with some wonderful 3D/4D shots from our previous ultrasounds, so it's not like I haven't seen his precious face. If I skip it now, I'll just be that much more surprised by how adorable he is when he's born!

I'm going to wrap up this post... and I apologize for the two week span between posts, but things are just sort of rolling along without much to report lately. I have a feeling that things will start picking up in the next few weeks, so hopefully I'll be back to at least regular weekly updates. And those of you lurking on my blog without being official followers (and I know there are several of you!) should just "follow" me... because it makes me feel special :) 

28 weeks on Friday!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

25 Weeks (+6 days)

We reached an exciting milestone today! It is officially 99 days until our due date, and I am thrilled to be down to double digits! Time has gone by so quickly from the beginning and I hope it keeps going just as fast because I am getting so excited to meet our little man :)

I finally got registries set up at Babies R Us and Target, which felt like a major accomplishment because for some reason it felt so much more overwhelming than our wedding registry. Probably because I've never had a baby and don't really know what I need. I really don't want our house to become a total kid zone with lots of unnecessary stuff sitting around so I tried to keep that in mind.

I guess I should probably get around to the nursery one of these days... it has finally cooled off a little bit, so it doesn't seem like such a daunting task anymore. The biggest problem now is that I am so indecisive about every little thing - I don't think I've ever been so confused about paint colors, rugs, furniture, etc. Still, I'm confident that it will turn out great, mostly because my mom is helping me :) She's great at matching fabrics, picking paint colors, and most of all, SEWING! I'm thrilled that there will be handmade touches throughout the nursery.

Oh, and finally there is a new update to the baby's "fruit size":

It's pretty crazy to start thinking about the baby in terms of pounds rather than ounces, but it's also very exciting. It seems so hard to believe that we're approaching the third trimester!

His movement in there has been so much more consistent these days and I love being able to share it with Adrian. He can feel the baby and has also had a couple opportunities to SEE the movement, which is so much fun. Sometimes my belly moves like crazy like he's just trying to bust out of there! I loved watching Adrian's reaction the first time I told him to watch my belly for a minute and the baby just pushed it all over the place. It has truly been such a great bonding experience for us as we marvel at the fact that we're bringing this little life into the world together.

Tomorrow will actually be 26 weeks, so there will be another post soon :)