
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

28 weeks (+4 days)

28 weeks! And quickly approaching 29! Sometimes I can't understand where the time is going, but then at other times I can't help but wish it would just go even faster because I am so anxious to meet our baby. However, I'm really trying to enjoy every moment of the pregnancy, because I know I'll miss this special private time with my son :) It is still so amazing to feel every kick and poke from inside - sometimes I just can't believe it's really happening.

The movement lately has just been incredible! Early in the day he likes to hang out and poke me in the ribs, and it can be a little uncomfortable, but he moves down later in the evening and I usually feel his kicks (and rolls and punches) in the same place every night. Adrian loves feeling him move and those are probably my favorite moments right now - when our whole little family is connected.

We love to imagine what he's going to be like. Who will he look like? Will he eventually pick up our habit to make up stupid songs about anything and everything? We're pretty sure he'll get in trouble at school for having a sassy mouth since we both do :) Sometimes I'm still just blown away by the entire concept of it all - that we created this life together and are now responsible for shaping him into a respectable human being. Still, I think we'll be great parents - I really haven't worried about that.

I was fortunate to have my first baby shower on Saturday and it was just lovely. The baby got lots of great presents! We received the bedding we registered for and my mom and I went to Home Depot to compare it to paint colors - we picked one I think will look great in the nursery and the colors we're going with are completely neutral and usable for our next baby, so that's a plus. I will post one picture of me from the day of the shower, but don't get used to it - I'm a little shocked that I'm posting ANY pictures of my pregnant self!

By the way, this mama does NOT have gestational diabetes! Went to the doctor yesterday and everything is perfect with both me and the baby!


  1. oh Mal you are the most adorable pregnant woman ever! LOVE IT!

  2. Hurray for posting a picture of you and your baby tummy!! We don't get to see you so it's nice to see how far you actually are!! See you in Cleveland!

  3. I agree you will be great parents! The photo is beautiful, but can't wait to see you again in person. Glad it's soon!!

  4. you look great! i love your baby belly (and that dress!).
