
Friday, October 21, 2011

36 Weeks

So... here we are, after about a month and a half since my last post. I certainly had no intention of going so long without updating, but life has been busy and this mama is tired!

It's so hard to believe that we're 4 weeks from our due date. I'm more and more anxious all the time. I can't wait to meet our son! I have been trying to really enjoy any moments of quiet time, especially when it's just Adrian and me at home, but there's always so much to do. I did totally abuse a day off today and just sleep most of it away, but I figure if my body is letting me do it, then I must really need the sleep. Please don't anyone tell me to enjoy it now because I won't be sleeping later. The "just you wait" type comments are just irritating at this point - even first time moms are aware that life is going to change!

Speaking of change, there's finally been progress in the nursery! It's painted and the furniture is set up. Now I just have to finish all the decorative touches. Thanks to two fantastic baby showers (thanks, Moms!), this child has just about everything he needs. The generosity we've been shown has been wonderful, and so very much appreciated.

In other news, Adrian and I went to our childbirth class last week and it was informative. Nothing blew my mind since I've been doing a lot of reading, but I think it was good for Adrian and good for us to experience together. We were definitely the goofy couple in the room and there were many points where we were doing the horrible silent laugh, hoping to not crack up out loud and get evil glares from other couples. I am so not surprised by this. Oh, and for the record, childbirth videos are still just as horrifying as they were in eighth grade. Miracle of life and all that, I know, but... yuck.

I'm really just trying to get through the next few weeks as smoothly as possible. I'm working up until my due date and it is a nice distraction from obsessing over the time left. I am just starting to feel more uncomfortable and can't help but feel like I just want the pregnancy part to be over now. However, I would like him to stay in there for a few more weeks so he's as healthy as possible and so my maternity leave falls when I had planned, since it covers the holiday period so perfectly :)

I feel completely scatterbrained lately and I'm having a hard time thinking right now, so I guess I'll just leave you with this:

A cute little melon that sticks its feet in your ribcage and crushes your bladder at the same time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm 36 weeks today! So crazy how fast the time has passed. And I totally relate to it being annoying when people tell me to enjoy my sleep now.
